Michael Gloskey

  • Employer Success Stories
  • Dislocated Worker

Michael Gloskey came to the Michigan Works! Southgate Service Center after being laid off in January 2015 from Saia Motor Freight in Dearborn. He came in to pursue additional training and certifications in Global Logistics.

Michael needed a credential to complete his employment background in today’s job market. Michael researched training opportunities in the Logistics field and decided to attend MIAT in Canton, to obtain a Global Logistics certification.

Upon completion of training, Michael gained employment with Exova/Defiance in Westland, a global automotive testing company. He has since attained additional certifications for 2-ton crane and hi-lo, through the company. Exova is one of the world’s leading laboratory-based testing groups, trusted by organizations to test and advise on the safety, quality and performance of their products, systems and operations.

Michael said, “Interviewers were looking for candidates that had credentials in the field, and I was running into many stumbling blocks during interviews because I did not possess the training credentials employers were looking for. Through training, Michigan Works in Southgate assisted me in pursuing and achieving my goals.”

Michael was able to juggle an extremely heavy work load (60+ hours a week) working at Lakeside Produce to supplement his income, while attending schooling at MIAT and maintaining an “A” average, in addition to the responsibilities he has at home as caregiver to his elderly parents. He displayed enthusiasm, dedication, focus, patience, persistence and understanding in often difficult situations.