James Adams

  • Employer Success Stories
  • Dislocated Worker

James Adams found himself at a crossroads after being laid off from Eaton Corporation in December 2008. Determined to turn this setback into an opportunity, he sought assistance from the SEMCA Michigan Works! Southgate American Job Center (AJC). Recognizing the competitive job market, James knew he needed to enhance his skills and gain new credentials to stand out.

“Interviewers were looking for candidates that had credentials or were pursuing training during a very tough job market,” James recalled.

To improve his prospects, James enrolled at Henry Ford Community College, focusing on Alternative Energy. His dedication paid off when he began working as a Prototype Technician at TRW Automotive in April 2011, through a contract employer. This role offered him a foot in the door to a promising career in the burgeoning field of Alternative Energy.

While working full-time, James continued his education and excelled academically, earning his Energy Technology and Renewable Energy Certificate with an outstanding grade point average. This credential not only set him apart from other candidates but also positioned him for long-term success in a growing industry.

James’ journey from layoff to a thriving career in Alternative Energy is a testament to the power of perseverance, continuous learning, and the invaluable support from SEMCA Michigan Works! Southgate AJC. His story highlights the transformative impact of gaining new skills and credentials in a competitive job market.