Nathaniel Taylor
- Employer Success Stories
- Youth (WIOA)
Nathaniel Taylor came to the SEMCA Michigan Works! Southgate American Job Center (AJC) because he had recently stopped working at Burger King and had been living out of his car.
Youth Career Development Facilitators (CDF) at the Southgate AJC told Nathaniel about a CNC Machinist program at Schoolcraft College, and he was very interested. The CDF guided him through the process and paperwork to get him registered in the class.
When he started class, it was like seeing a different person. He was happy and excited to be there. He was always on time and had perfect attendance. When the CDF spoke with his teacher and the director of the program, they were all excited to have Nathaniel in the program. They told me that they could see a bright future ahead for him. Nathaniel told his CDF that he was having fun learning, and his father even said that Nathaniel was teaching him things that he didn’t know and he’d been working in that industry for years.
After graduation, Nathaniel became employed with Stellar Forge in Livonia, MI, and has been there nearly three months. He is making $12.00 per hour, which is more than he was making at his last employer.