SEMCA offering free legal assistance to have Non-Repeat Drunk Driving (OWI) Offenses expunged from criminal record

SEMCA Michigan Works! will begin accepting applications January 3, 2022, to assist eligible job seekers wanting to expunge Non-Repeat Drunk Driving (OWI) Offenses from their criminal record. Additionally, SEMCA is…

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SEMCA Michigan Works! providing free legal assistance to expunge criminal record for eligible job seekers

SEMCA Michigan Works! has created a Clean Slate Expungement Program for residents of Monroe and Wayne Counties (excluding the City of Detroit). Eligible residents can have their past criminal convictions…

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Justin Skibin, SEMCA Business Services Representative, Honored by Michigan Works! Association

LANSING, Mich. – Justin Skibin of SEMCA Michigan Works! was awarded a “Shining Star” Award by the Michigan Works! Association for his efforts to meet employment needs in Monroe and…

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