During Careers in Energy Week | October 17–21, 2022 Careers in Energy Week, Michigan’s energy companies and educators team up to create awareness for students and jobseekers around the rewarding careers in the energy sector.
Members of the Michigan Energy Workforce Development Consortium (MEWDC) and the National Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD) are proud to host the following events:
Monday, October 17 | 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Lansing Board of Water & Light Reverse Job Fair
- REO Depot – 1201 S. Washington Lansing, MI
Lansing Board of Water of Water & Light (BWL) will be hosting a reverse job fair for Lansing area high school students. Students will learn about the various careers available in the energy industry by interacting with BWL employees. Interactive activities, career information, swag and snacks will be available. For more information on how your school can participate, please contact Dawn Plenar at dawn.plenar@lbwl.com.
Tuesday, October 18 | 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Careers in Energy Week 2022 with DTE (Invitation Only)
Beacon Park
Learn more about careers at DTE, including skilled trades, renewables, marketing, law, accounting and more. High school students will be able to chat with employees from around the company to learn more about careers available at DTE, participate in hands-on activities, tour our new Energy Explorer Trailer and talk with representatives from schools with energy programs and MI Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE).
Wednesday, October 19 | 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Lansing Community College – Women in Utility Linework
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- LCC West Campus, Room M119-120, 5708 Cornerstone Drive, Lansing
Join young women from Lansing area high schools to learn about high-wage, high-demand careers in energy and the programs to get you started. This event is free and open to current high school students. Transportation is not provided; parking is free at the LCC West Campus lots, or CATA Route 12 runs between Downtown and West campuses. Register here.
Consumers Energy Marshall Training Center Tour (Invitation Only)
Consumers Energy will be hosting a tour of their Marshall Training Center for local students. For more information on careers at Consumers Energy, visit www.ConsumersEnergy.com/careers.
Thursday, October 20 | 9 – 10 a.m.
Coffee with a Purpose: Youth and the Future of Careers in Energy (Virtual – Zoom)
As part of Careers in Energy Week, Roger Curtis, Vice President of Public Affairs for Consumers Energy, and Mollie Waller, Youth Solutions Executive Director, will co-moderate this discussion about the impact youth have on the future through careers in energy. Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates youth will discuss careers in the energy sector, what the future of energy looks like to them, and different ways they can get involved in making the future of energy reflect the world they want to live in. Listen into this great discussion while you enjoy your morning coffee by registering here today.
Traverse City Light & Power Career Tech Event (Invitation Only)
- Northwest Education Career Services, 800 Parsons Road Traverse City, MI
Traverse City Light & Power will be hosting an event in partnernship with the Northwest Education Career Services Electric Occupation Class. The event will feature line worker demonstrations in the morning and evening that will include open transformer demos, pole demos and table top units. For more information, please contact Kelli Schroeder at kschroeder@tclp.org.
Consumers Energy Safety and Career Presentation (Invitation Only)
Consumers Energy will be doing career and safety presentations at the above schools for fourth and fifth grade students. at ILA and Alcott in Pontiac, Whitman Elementary in Pontiac and Pattengill Biotech in Lansing.
Friday, October 20 | 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Lansing Board of Water & Light Reverse Job Fair
- REO Depot – 1201 S. Washington Lansing, MI
Lansing Board of Water of Water & Light (BWL) will be hosting a reverse job fair for Lansing area middle school students. Students will learn about the various careers available in the energy industry by interacting with BWL employees. Interactive activities, career information, swag and snacks will be available. For more information on how your school can participate, please contact Dawn Plenar at dawn.plenar@lbwl.com.
Consumers Energy Safety and Career Presentation (Invitation Only)
Consumers Energy will be doing career and safety presentations at the above schools for fourth and fifth grade students. at Owen and ITA in Pontiac, Rogers Elementary in Auburn Hills and Bunker Elementary in Muskegon.
Find more information, including links to events, visit the MEWDC website.
Follow events on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook use #GetIntoEnergyMichigan and #CareersInEnergyWeek