Lowann Beasley and Jackie Davis-Betserai of Jackie Davis Insurance Agency receive 2023 Michigan Works! Association Impact Award

The 2023 Impact Awards hosted by Michigan Works! Association recognizes the economic development success being achieved in communities across Michigan. During the event, local lawmakers present tributes to dozens of honorees…

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SEMCA Michigan Works! Providing Free Legal Assistance to Have Offenses Expunged From Criminal Record

SEMCA’s Clean Slate Program for Monroe and Wayne Counties (excluding the City of Detroit) offers residents a unique opportunity to have their past criminal convictions, which now includes first time driving/operating under…

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Professional Trades Month Spotlights High-demand, High-wage Career Opportunities

LANSING, Mich. — Today, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joins the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) to proclaim May as Professional Trades Month to honor those in these essential fields and encourage…

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SEMCA’s Refugee and Immigrant Navigator Program is a Good Practice of the UN’s Global Compact on Refugees

The Global Compact on Refugees This platform brings together a growing community of stakeholders who are working in the spirit of the Compact to find practical, long-term solutions that allow…

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Students encouraged to explore education and career pathways during Career and Technical Education Month

LANSING, Mich. — With an average of more than 520,000 Michigan job openings projected annually through 2030, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joins the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) and…

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