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SEMCA Workforce Development Board
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) is composed of members from the public and private sectors who work to ensure that the system works for everyone. Below you can find names of board members, upcoming board meeting dates, and minutes from previous board meetings. Click on the toggles to expand the content.
Local and Regional Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Plans
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires Workforce Development Boards to develop and submit a comprehensive four-year local plan and regional plan to the state for approval. Plans must address current and future strategies and efficiencies to advance the continuing modernization of the workforce system and the creation of a customer-centered system. It must also support the strategy described in the State Plan and be consistent with the State Plan.
Public Comment Submission
Persons may contact members of the SEMCA Workforce Development Board (WDB) to provide input or ask questions on any business that will come before the WDB at its meetings, by sending an email to Ms. Tamara Norrix at tamara.norrix@semca.org.
Check back soon for an updated schedule.
Four-M Associates
Vice Chair
L&M Educational Services
Board Members
United Way of Monroe/Lenawee Counties
Henry Ford College
UAW Region 1-A
TWB Company, LLC
Operating Engineers 324
AFL-CIO Monroe County
LaJoy Group, Inc.
DTE Energy
Wayne RESA
Gerdau Special Steel
Henry Ford Health-Wyandotte Campus
Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Director of Economic Development Department for Wayne County
Horizon Bank
Ford Motor Company